I selected the N2PK VNA project for laboratory and antenna measurements because of its exceptional design, precision, and reliability. Comprehensive documentation on the N2PK VNA can be found at this site: https://groups.io/g/N2PK-VNA
Since its release several years ago, hundreds of N2PK VNAs have been built worldwide for both amateur and professional use, demonstrating its outstanding performance.
The N2PK VNA is not just a VNA; it is a "Lab in a Box" that performs various functions due to its dual DDS generators and dual detectors. It can function as an RF generator, sweep generator, power detector, vector voltmeter, IP3 measurement tool, antenna analyzer, and more.
Rudy Severns N6LF conducted comparative measurements of several VNAs using different loads, with the HP3577A VNA serving as a reference.
N2PK Vector network analyzer comparison.
by Rudy Severns N6LF
The Hardware. VNA core board.
I have constructed several N2PK VNAs, utilizing the dual detector PCB, version 4xx (parallel port) and version 5xx, ( USB ) designed by Ivan Makarov VE3IVM under the author's supervision.
Detailed information about the board is available at N2PK-VNA Group https://groups.io/g/N2PK-VNA
To maintain the published performance standards, all components used in the assembly adhere to the author's specifications.
Each assembled board undergoes a 24-hour burn-in test.